Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sitting Alone

Ayala has been working on her sitting skills for awhile but now she can keep her balance and sit alone.

Monday, February 9, 2009

A Walk by the beach in February!!

Does winter get better than this??!?

More playdates with Ella

Ayala and Ella get together once a week at a baby play area near our apartment. We've been meeting for a few weeks now and it's just recently that they actually notice each other for more than the first second!

Eating, eating, eating

Now this is how you enjoy a meal!!

Playing, playing, playing

Ayala is learning to sit on her own and play. That's pretty much all she wants to do anymore is play, play, play!!

Our Little Swimmer

Ayala is taking a baby parent swim class because we want her to feel comfortable in the water and become a little swimmer! We feel it's important and she loves it! She's even 'dived' with her face underwater. What's not to love when the water is about 80 degrees and feels like a bath anyway :-)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Blue Eyes

One of our favorite pictures of Ayala's beautiful blue eyes.